Before Mercy, life was very lonely. I did not like myself, which reflected towards the friends I made, the thoughts I had, and the choices I made. My brother-in-law showed me Mercy after I made a lot of bad decisions in the past. At first, it was because he wanted me to get healed, but I did not want to come. However, upon arrival I had an open heart and I started to change my perspective on Mercy and on life.

There were a lot of turning points for me during my time at Mercy, but I think that finding out that I was loved by a great God and loved by others really shaped how I looked at myself.

I learned that God loves me and that I have amazing and unique talents that He has given me to help complete the mission of my calling from God. I have learned that I can have healthy relationships with other people and I can establish good boundaries with others.

After I graduate Mercy, I plan to get a job, go to college to major in art, and travel to Europe to minister to others. I also hope to have a great family in the future.

To everyone who supports and donates, thank you so much for your donations. Everything you bring to Mercy is a big help to me, as well as others!