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Samantha – 2011 Graduate

Samantha grew up in a dysfunctional environment. My mother was a single parent, and I was a hyperactive, attention-seeking child. My mother worked several jobs just to try to make ends meet, which left me alone a lot. In my teenage years, I was sexually abused by a family member. I was ashamed and began to self-harm to cope with my pain. I felt disgusting and dirty and very much alone. My self-worth came from my outward appearance, and I never felt beautiful. This led me to a seven-year battle with anorexia and bulimia. I didn’t trust anyone, not even God, and life was meaningless to me. I overdosed on prescription medications and was taken to a hospital where I was told that there was a chance I wouldn’t survive. Upon hearing that, I knew deep down inside, I did not want to die; I just wanted to feel peace. The doctors told me it was a miracle that I survived, but I knew it was God. I heard about Mercy from a friend and looked online to see what it was all about. I knew it was the place for me, and decided to apply.

While at Mercy, God totally transformed my heart. Wow! I fought the whole way, but God and the staff never gave up on me. God proved his unending love, grace and mercy. He showed me how special, important and beautiful I am to Him. I found hope! I was finally where I need to be in my walk with God. I am beyond thankful to Nancy and the staff for all the grace they have given me. And I am so thankful to all the donors for making a place like Mercy available for me!

After graduating from Mercy, I moved back home and began to make sense of my new identity in Christ. I learned to implement the tools I was taught at Mercy and daily choose to see myself as God sees me. A few years after my graduation, I was reconnected with an old friend, and he soon became my husband! We just celebrated the arrival of our first daughter!! God is so faithful!