A few months ago, I attended the most amazing event. If you’ve never been to the Designed For Life Conference for women, you should go! During a time of worship, I was captured by a moment. Has that ever happened to you? In the midst of the ordinary, you’re all of a sudden captured by the wonder of the extraordinary. I felt my eyes drift up and saw one single light reflected in a conduit—a tiny ball of mirrors hanging on the ceiling—which was sending beams of light down onto thousands of women. You could see the light distributed around the room and there, in the presence of thousands of women, I was reminded that it was an image of what God created us to do. Our job is not to be a light in a dark world, but instead, to simply reflect the light of Christ onto those around us. What a beautiful picture that creates, and how freeing that is!

I feel incredibly blessed to have an awesome community around me—with amazing people who reflect the light of Christ daily. It’s a beautiful thing to watch. Sometimes, it’s done in a look or a hug or a shared meal. Sometimes, it’s someone just sitting with another person while tears stream down their face and they open up about a heartache. Sometimes, it’s surrounding someone in prayer, lifting them up, or coming together to meet a financial need. It’s easy to pass by these moments, but instead, I’m asking God to cause me to look into them and be struck with wonder just like I was in that moment of worship when my eye caught the sunburst of light reflecting off the conduit.

When the body of Christ reflects His light, it is breathtaking! If you don’t already have a community of believers where you see this taking place, seek it out, because it so essential to living an abundant life. Go reflect the light of Christ in whatever communities you find yourself in. Live in community with others, allowing Christ to shine through your life, and remember, this is not always demonstrated in big dramatic actions but more than likely expressed by just showing up in the lives of those around us. You never know who will be touched by you just allowing your life to be a reflection.

In the midst of his ministry, just before he calls his first disciples, Jesus references a prophecy from Isaiah 9 that tells of the light that Jesus’ life will bring.

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light. For those who lived in a land of deep shadows— light! Sunbursts of light!
Isaiah 9:2, The Message

It’s important to remember that the promise of Jesus’ life is that His presence brings light—sunbursts of light—into a broken world. In Matthew 5, Jesus commands His children to be the light:

No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.
Matthew 5:15-16, NLT

I think it is important to remember that we are not the source of the light, merely the conduit of it.