Rebekah – 2017 Graduate

Rebekah | 2017 GraduateMy childhood was very chaotic. I suffered from sexual abuse at the hands of multiple abusers. I was physically and mentally abused as well. I was one of six children raised by a single mom. I suffered from neglect, abandonment, and rejection from a very young age. Life was unstable, and I also experienced homelessness. Due to my childhood abuse, I turned to prostitution as a way of living because I was unable to hold a job and hated myself so much. During my time as a prostitute, I was kidnapped and abused. I suffered from PTSD from the experience.

I had been looking for help for a while, when I found out about Mercy Multiplied. I tried other programs, both secular and faith-based, but ended up quitting. I was about ready to give up when I heard about Mercy from an organization that had helped me in the past. I really wasn’t very excited or convinced when I started the application process. I thought, ‘what’s the use, it will probably end as it always does.’ When I got through the application process, I was excited to come. When I arrived at Mercy, I was full of guilt, shame, and self-hatred.

A turning point for me at Mercy was receiving my high school diploma at 29 years old! I also said ‘I love you’ to Jesus and actually meant it. Doubt has always been an issue for me. The enemy really played on this and still tries, but I no longer think that the Bible could be anything other than the true Word of God.

God has helped me to see who I am in Him. He has rid me of the shame and guilt that I carried around for so many years. I no longer see myself as worthless and bad, but as a worthy daughter of the most high King. I am going to share my story and help the lives of many. I see now that I have purpose and a calling. I also can see my struggles in a clear light. I have things that I need to work on, but I no longer am defined by my past or my mistakes.

After Mercy, I plan on getting a job. Down the road, I will enter into the ministry that God has ordained for me. I hope to one day continue school, get married, and have a family.

To all the Mercy supporters, thank you so much for believing in us Mercy girls when we didn’t know how to believe in ourselves. You will never know the gift of LIFE that you have made possible. God bless you.