Please contact our Intake department for additional information at (615) 831-6987.

Mercy is a safe place where you can take time for yourself and learn and grow as a person. It takes courage, vulnerability and humility to come to Mercy and seek help. It requires a lot of sacrifice and it will definitely challenge you; but nothing is more worth your time and effort. The Staff want you to be as equipped as possible so you can feel confident when making a decision on what to do with your baby. They will come along side you and will support you, encourage you, teach you, pray with you, and love on you and your baby.
Pregnant Resident

Being in a residential program while pregnant was not easy but it was the best thing I could’ve done for myself and it was the healthiest place for me to be in while experiencing an unplanned pregnancy.
Pregnant Resident

Being in a residential program forced me to block out all other voices and allowed me to solely focus on what I needed to do for myself and for my baby.
Pregnant Resident

We recognize that you are likely experiencing many emotions related to your pregnancy. You are expected to actively participate in programmatic activities, including Counseling and Basic Decision Making classes, so that you can make the choice to parent or place your child for adoption.

Most Pregnant Residents have insurance prior to Mercy, but it does not often cover maternity. Upon entering the program, all Pregnant Residents work with our Staff to apply for Tennessee Medicaid, called TennCare, which covers her maternity costs. She will keep her primary insurance for other medical related needs but will use the TennCare for all maternity needs.

Due to travel limitations late in pregnancy, our Pregnant Residents will deliver at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee.

If you choose to parent, you will not be able to return to the program with your newborn due to Tennessee licensing standards. Staff will work with you to prepare and plan your living arrangements prior to delivery. If you choose to place your child for adoption, you will return to the program to continue Counseling and participate in Post-Placement Counseling with Adoption Staff.

You will work with Staff to prepare a hospital plan and attend child-birthing classes.

You will receive prenatal care from the Midwives at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

Pregnant Residents will participate in 6-8 week long classes called Basic Decision Making. These classes are designed to assist an expectant mother in making a well-informed decision regarding whether she will parent or place her child for adoption.

I enjoyed the fact that I was able to learn about parenting from an emotional, physical, and mental perspective. I gained an indepth knowledge on what parenting would look like in my situation and that was very helpful. When I made my decision I felt as though I learned almost everything I possibly could about adoption and parenting.
Pregnant Resident

A benefit of Basic Decision Making is that you’re able to receive confirmation in your decision and further prepare for how to move forward in that decision. Participating in Basic Decision Making is a requirement for all Pregnant Residents.

When I made my decision I felt as though I learned almost everything I possibly could about adoption and parenting.
Pregnant Resident

Mercy prepared me for motherhood by teaching me responsibility and helping me to grow in maturity and in my faith. They taught me not to take anything for granted, and that everything, including my baby, is a blessing. They gave me a realistic picture of what motherhood would look like and taught me how to navigate some of the hardships that come with motherhood.
Pregnant Resident