I was having night terrors a few times a week, daily life was plagued with the effects of PTSD, and I was unable to go anywhere away from home without a panic attack, with the exception of church. I had not read my Bible since the day I walked away from my life as a Christian.

Where am I now? I can finish a trip to the grocery store and be almost anywhere away from home without a panic attack. Feeling great enough to go 4 hours away from home on a vacation!!!! Someone gave me a Bible and I am back in the Word, each day feeling more alive. I am able to stand on the Truth regarding my life instead of believing what the facts might say. I’m learning to trust people again.

Where am I going? I will become the spiritual leader of my household that my children need me to be, regardless of circumstances. I will wake up someday looking forward to what the day holds. I will share what I have learned and the difference it has made with those walking wounded who cross my path on the road I have been down. [Being part of this study] has not only changed my life but my children’s as well. I feel hope. My faith is growing and my trust is again with my faithful Lord. How do you thank someone for changing your life? On this side of heaven, you will never know the full impact you’ve all had in my world.