My life before Mercy was a mess. I found out about Mercy from a video that showed four girls dealing with different things and they said that Mercy changed their lives forever. I decided to apply because I wanted to put my life in order. I also wanted to find out who I really was and wanted to learn more about who God was at a deeper level. When I arrived at Mercy I wanted to isolate myself from the rest of the girls. I had a bad temper towards them as well. I didn’t get along with a lot of them because of the things that I had struggled with in the past. One specific turning point during my time at Mercy was when I began to get revelations from God that I never even imagined was possible.

God has done everything that I have prayed for and even asked about. I have learned that God will always be with me no matter where I am, I also have learned that God has always been with me through the hardest times. After Mercy, I plan to go back home, go to college, and to find a job.

Thank you so much for donating and supporting this ministry. Thank you for never giving up on me and praying for me. Thank you for giving me the faith to stay strong through the hard times even when I wanted to quit. I appreciate all that you do.