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Olivia – 2014 Graduate

OliviaBefore Mercy, I was struggling to keep up two lives. During the day, I was a heavily involved volunteer and ministry student at my church, but at night my addiction to alcohol and men nearly overtook me. I started getting sloppy, showing up late and making some big mistakes. I wasn’t sure how long I could take it. The discovery of sexual abuse when I was a child sent me spiraling downward.

I found out about Mercy through a friend at church. My past was controlling my actions and therefore condemning my future. Not knowing what to expect, I entered the Mercy program ready to embrace anything that would help me. Nothing I had done so far had worked and honestly, I was happily surprised God was giving me another chance to start over.

While at Mercy, a huge turning point for me was attending a Joyce Meyer conference. That’s when I really started to recognize God speaking to me and realized He desired to have a relationship with me. This has completely changed my life.

I never really knew what freedom looked like until I got here. I didn’t actually know this kind of freedom existed. God has literally turned my darkness into light. He has given me a brand new life. I am transformed.

After Mercy, I plan on pursuing full-time ministry and developing my skills as a worship leader. I’m going to return to college to finish my bachelor’s degree, and possibly attend ministry school as well.

If Mercy could change my life, it can change anyone’s life. This generation needs Mercy.