My life before I came to Mercy was filled with a lot of anger and grief from my adoption trauma. I didn’t have any knowledge of who God was when I was a child. I was living a life of hurt and fear. I struggled with jealousy and hatred because of the abandonment wounds from my adoption. My relationship with the Lord was non-existent for a long time.

My time with Mercy was filled with understanding my hurts and the childhood trauma that I had endured. God helped me understand that in order to be healed I had to open my arms and heart to Him. During this process, my journey with the Lord and trusting Him was a long process. But God has given me total peace about my past and helped me understand that I don’t have to be afraid anymore of my past catching up with me. Instead of fear controlling my life I have God guiding me through life. What I plan to take away from Mercy is continually using my truth statements and being more vulnerable with the Lord.

After Mercy, I plan to get my Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism. I am going to write a book about my incredible journey through adoption and how God brought me through my adoption and through the trauma of life and to show kids that freedom is possible when you trust God and allow him to guide you instead of fear ruling their lives. I want to be able to tell my story of how God completely restored me from a very broken child to a fully alive Christian woman who loves the Lord!

To the donors, thank you so much for everything! Without your generous donations, Mercy would not exist for any girls who need help so badly. Mercy has helped me become a better person and changed my life forever!