Growing up I never had a stable home and both my parents had trouble with substance abuse. I never really had a childhood and spent most of my life living in fear. I was the oldest of six siblings and would have to take on a parental role. 

I was a people pleaser and was easily molded by those around me. Over time I began isolating and using drugs to cope with all my issues. I would suppress my emotions as much as possible until it became too much to manage. I had trouble with suicidal thoughts and would spend most nights crying myself to sleep wishing my life was different. I had no hope and I hated being around people. I had lots of social anxiety and avoided looking into people’s eyes and spoke only when spoken to. I was very insecure and thought no one would like the real me so I spent a lot of years hiding. I would often change my appearance and was always looking for something to fill the empty hole inside of me.  

I heard about Mercy from my foster mom, but I wasn’t sure at first. Then one Sunday at church, God met me there, and I knew that I could not help myself anymore.  

When I walked into the doors of Mercy, I was fearful and didn’t want to get to know anyone. But on the first day, I immediately felt God’s love throughout the home. I was welcomed by the staff and the other residents. But my walls were high, and I spent most time avoiding everyone and observing them from afar. 

At Mercy, I learned who God really is and was able to see how He played a part in my past. I learned about forgiveness and was able to ask for forgiveness from my family and was able to forgive them and myself. I found my identity in Christ and became confident in who I am. The truth statements that I made helped me discover the truth and I was able to break free from the fear I once had.  

After Mercy, I plan on going to college for business. I also plan on sharing how God has worked in my life and how His mercy and grace are unending. I plan to walk out of Mercy completely changed and ready to begin my new life. I thank God for meeting me in the valley and walking with me during my time here at Mercy.  

To all the donors, thank so much for donating. It is such a blessing and Mercy has changed my life.