Mutsa – 2017 Graduate

Mutsa | 2017 Mercy GraduateMy childhood was full of abandonment and constant fear. Starting at age five, I began being sexually abused. This created a sense of loss in my self-worth. I moved to a different country and struggled with my identity. I was bullied, which added to the shame I felt because of the abuse I went through. I was constantly fighting with my father, struggling with self-harm, and addicted to drugs and pornography. The instability in my family really began my trickle effect into chaos.

I learned about Mercy Multiplied through a small group leader who took notice of my behaviors. She knew of another Mercy graduate and encouraged me to apply. It was while I was hospitalized that I realized I needed to do something major.

While at Mercy, I had turning points every day. The major turning points in my journey were the unique challenges that came from my counselor. She pushed me to dig into how I interact with myself and why I do what I do. The Designed For Life Conference and the Love Life Conference were also turning points. They showed me how big the community of believers is and how faith is what brought us all together. I fell in love with God through learning who I am.

I have learned that God is faithful and always shows up! He never fails to do what is needed for me to grow in my trust with Him. I learned the Lord hates sin, but He loves the sinner and did everything to save me. He will continue to do everything to save me to this day. He offers a free gift, and all I needed to do was receive it in my heart, mind, and soul. It’s not work, it’s love because He is love.

After Mercy, I plan to live the life God has called me to live by trusting Him to guide me. He will guide me in everything I need to do to glorify His kingdom the best way He sees fit for me. I plan to be an active member in my home church and develop my leadership skills in hopes to one day bring the Gospel to those who are lost.

I can’t put into words the gratitude in my heart for the Mercy donors and their obedience to all God has called them to do. I am an example of the result of their love. Mercy donors, thank you so much for the example you set for us about what it means to truly live in the good news of the Gospel. I’m honored to have been a part of such an anointed ministry. I pray all of God’s blessings over you and will always be in awe at all God has used you to accomplish in my life and the lives of many women around the nations. Thank you!