Monroe Freedom Experience a Success!
June 28, 2016
“The fact that you are here this weekend, proves to me that you want the fullness of what Jesus has for you!” exclaimed Nancy Alcorn, Mercy Multiplied Founder and President, in the opening session of the Freedom Experience held June 17th-18th. Over 350 people from as far away as New Hampshire and Pennsylvania attended the two-day, life-transforming conference at Christ Church in Monroe, LA.
Alcorn was joined by several other top Mercy leaders to present the seven biblically based keys to freedom that Mercy has taught in its homes for over 30 years. The keys include: committing fully to Christ; choosing to forgive; renewing your mind; breaking generational patterns; healing life’s hurts; conquering oppression; and learning principles of lifelong success.
A powerful tone was set during Alcorn’s opening session when many committed or re-committed their lives to Christ. High engagement continued throughout the two days chock full of teaching and worship sessions. Ellie Holcomb and the Christ Church West Monroe Worship Team led impactful times of worship, including a special moment when Holcomb invited the Monroe Mercy residents in attendance onto the stage to sing with her. Another special highlight included a VIP luncheon with Alcorn and Miss Kay Robertson of Duck Dynasty. Several attendees also left the event equipped to build off their newfound freedom by purchasing Mercy’s Ditch The Baggage Curriculum, which facilitates further exploration into the Keys to Freedom.
One attendee shared, “The whole conference has touched me in some shape, form or fashion, but above all, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted. I gave to Christ a lot of things that were keeping me in bondage, and I feel new!”
“The Freedom Experience in West Monroe truly exceeded all that we had hope and prayed for!” said Melanie Wise, Mercy’s Director of Outreach and Freedom Experience speaker. “God moved in powerful ways and we were amazed at the breakthroughs that so many attendees experienced!”
The Freedom Experience is part of a larger outreach initiative to take Mercy Multiplied’s impact beyond its residential homes and reach people of all ages and backgrounds through its conferences, workshops, and resources. Mercy’s next Freedom Experience will be held in Rocklin, CA (a suburb of Sacramento) on July 22-23 at Destiny Community Center. For more information or to register, visit or contact Melanie Wise at [email protected].