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Molly – 2014 Graduate

MollyI was adopted as an infant into a two-parent home with an older sister. Unfortunately, my dad left our family to be in a relationship with another woman, and I only saw him about once a month growing up. I struggled with feelings of abandonment. My mom worried a lot, which I picked up on even as a young girl. I was bullied in school and started struggling with depression and self-harm at the age of 13. I was attending a self-injury support group when the leader told me about Mercy.

I hit a turning point in my walk with God when I experienced the power of the Holy Spirit and when I was baptized. At Mercy, God completely broke my addiction to self-harm and suicidal tendencies. He speaks to me regularly and has helped me break free from legalism. He also healed my hands from tendonitis.

 After graduation, I will return home to work for a while as my mom and I prepare to move to another state to be closer to my sister and her family.

I am so thankful to Mercy for saving me from a life of torment and supporting me while God healed me from my past.