Mercy Multiplied Celebrates Seven New Graduates
June 22, 2016
In May, Mercy Multiplied celebrated the graduations of seven young women from the Mercy program. By God’s transforming power, each girl has courageously overcome her life-controlling issues and now walks in complete freedom. Read each girl’s hope-filled story below.

I realized I have every right to value myself, respect myself and be self-compassionate by cultivating kindness instead of denying my needs. God restored my identity, covered me in grace and completely transformed my life!

While I was at Mercy, I began an intimate relationship with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I learned to surrender complete control of my life to Him and learned the keys to finding freedom in Him in my daily life.

I came to Mercy with a picture of my heart wrapped, chained and stained with lies. As I reflected on my past, God showed the new picture of my heart—it is unwrapped and unchained.

While at Mercy, God taught me how to be vulnerable and sensitive. He replaced my deep roots of depression and shame with incredible joy.

My time at Mercy was a season of complete transformation. God revealed all of the lies I believed and replaced them with His truth. He revealed my true identity: I am His beloved daughter.

Throughout my time in the program, God continued to change me and show me how much he loves and cares for me. I have learned to recognize His voice. Most importantly, I have learned that my identity is in Christ.

A few months into Mercy, I really heard the Lord speak to me. It was a huge turning point for me. The Lord spoke to me, and I just fell in love with Him. It helped me build a stronger relationship with Him and trust in Him more.
To read more stories of transformation, visit our Lives Transformed page.