Mercy Celebrates October Graduates
November 10, 2017
At Mercy Multiplied, we love seeing transformation in the lives of hurting young women. Thousands have experienced freedom in Christ through Mercy’s residential program. The young women highlighted below are our recent graduates, whose transformation and restored hope we’ve celebrated with a special graduation. We hope their inspirational stories encourage you!

While at Mercy, I have been renewed and transformed through Jesus Christ. I learned God is love and He works all things for good. My chains are gone, and Jesus has set me free! I am forever changed. I have rededicated my life to Jesus Christ and have purified myself in Him, saving myself for marriage.
Click here to read Presley’s story.

God revealed to me that I am the woman that He loves, His Beloved daughter. Instead of being weighed down in shame, He has lifted me up in nobility and dignity where there was none. In the dark nights, He calls me Liberty and Beauty, even in the ashes and pain.
Click here to read Lydia’s story.

God has restored me. I have learned my identity does not lie in man’s opinion, but only the Most High’s. Through God I have found the freedom I so longed for but thought I wasn’t good enough to have. I have learned boundaries, how to identify safe and unsafe people in my life, and how to keep going in life even when troubles come.
Click here to read Faith’s story.

I cannot put into words what God has done for me while at Mercy. He has healed me from the emotional turmoil that I was in for so long, and He is continuing to restore my life and giving me a sense of dignity and hope. He has brought me into the fullness of His presence and helped me see I am free to be who He created me to be.
Click here to read Kaitlyn’s story.

During my Mercy journey, a turning point for me was when I learned that praying with Mercy staff really helped me. I learned so much about God during those moments. God has set me free from all my pain and my past.
Click here to read Leona’s story.

God has restored my hope and dignity. I genuinely like who He has created me to be, and I can walk with my head held high. He has given me joy and mental refreshment. I stand in wonder at His majesty and all of creation which attests to His power.
Click here to read Hope’s story.

While at Mercy, God has freed me from several addictions. I have found my joy, and I love to give back-breaking bear hugs. I am a safe mom for my daughter, and I now see people as relational beings.
Click here to read Marinna’s story.

I experienced God’s miraculous healing power take place in my life. The doctors were confused, but I knew that God is the ultimate Physician. And when He heals, He heals completely – body, soul, and spirit.
Click here to read Kendall’s story.
To read more stories of transformation, visit our Lives Transformed page.