Mercy Celebrates July and August Graduates
September 18, 2018
We are so proud of our recent Mercy Graduates. They showed dedication, perseverance and joy as they walked through our doors. Their lives mirror the transformation and freedom that Jesus Christ has given all of us. Congratulations to our grads!

During my time at Mercy, I really learned to love my parents and trust in the Lord more. God has done so many things. He gave me a new hope for the future. I learned not everything is going to be easy, but I can definitely get through it with Him.

For once in my life I’m excited about my future and serving the Lord. I’ve learned that my true identity is in Him and not to exalt the enemy’s voice above His.

God stripped away the drive to be perfect while lovingly reminding me that even my most righteous deeds are like filthy rags, and that He loves me because of His grace and not because of my works. Whereas, I used to believe that no good could come out of being still and resting. I can declare that in repentance and rest is my salvation and in quietness and trust is my strength.

Mercy Multiplied has taught me what freedom is. I now walk in that freedom as a result of renewing my mind. I’m able to identify when the enemy is trying to fill my head with lies. I have learned to combat the lies with God’s truth.

God taught me who I was made to be and who I am when I abide in Him. He taught me it’s okay to feel, but also not to let my feelings control me. He also taught me that I have a future and He’s given me unique gifts for that future.

Father God has given me life and life abundantly. He has breathed into me and grown His love, peace, compassion, and hope. He has grown these things out of my brokenness. I have learned that the essence of relationship with Christ is abiding in Him. In that place of abiding, I have all I need.

I recommitted my life to Jesus Christ at Mercy, and asked God to come in and heal past hurts and abuse. God also showed me that he had not abandoned me but had pursued me while I was running from him and he had protected my life. God showed me his love in a new way. He took away my shame and gave me joy instead. He showed me his unconditional love though the staff.

God taught me that He healed my past hurts and told me that He forgave me.

The Holy Spirit was opening my eyes to see the power of Jesus’ resurrection that was already placed inside of me. I had the choice to choose life or death. I continued to learn who I truly am in Jesus and I finally understood that I am a daughter of infinite value and worth to God. He has always had good in store for me.

God has done everything that I have prayed for and even asked about. I have learned that God will always be with me no matter where I am, I also have learned that God has always been with me through the hardest times.
To read more stories of transformation, visit our Lives Transformed page.