Mercy Celebrates Determined Resident
May 25, 2017
High school graduation season is upon us. High school seniors all across the country are taking their walk across stage in their caps and gowns to receive their high school diplomas.
At Mercy Multiplied, one resident experienced high school graduation differently. Recently, a 29 year old Monroe Mercy resident achieved her High School Equivalency Diploma (HiSet) and was celebrated with a graduation ceremony of her own.
The resident had stopped attending school in the 9th grade. She recalled she was constantly in trouble, on probation, and did not care about school work. When she came to Mercy Multiplied, she had not completed any high school classes and needed to fulfill all her high school course requirements.
Melinda Daniels, a Mercy Multiplied Transitional Care Liaison, knew this resident did not have a formal education and walked her through the process of what it would take to achieve this accolade. Daniels went to the library and rented a GED study book for the resident and eventually helped her register online to take the test.
“She was only a few points away from perfect on all of the subjects,” said Daniels. “She is very smart! Amazing!”
The resident’s determination and studying efforts allowed her to officially receive the high school diploma she never did as a teen.
“I was so full of shame for not graduating high school before coming to Mercy,” the resident said. “While here, I discovered I really could have a future, so that motivated me to try.”
Daniels took the resident to the HiSet testing site, and within three visits, she had passed all her tests.
“I was honored to help her and so very proud of her for taking this risk of possible failure. It was an over-the-top feeling of celebration for her from all the staff and residents at her graduation,” said Daniels.
When the resident completed her work, the Monroe Mercy staff and residents gave her a special graduation ceremony to honor her achievement. She wore a cap and gown, was handed her diploma, and celebrated with cake and punch.
“It feels fantastic to accomplish this achievement! It is a weight off my shoulders that I didn’t even realize was there,” said the resident.
“I could have been a Mercy girl myself. I needed someone to believe in me before I could believe in me,” reflected Daniels. “I love speaking confidence into residents’ lives and watching God show them who they can be and are.”
To learn more about Mercy Multiplied’s residential program, including its education component, please click here.