Mercy Celebrates December Graduates
December 21, 2017
At Mercy Multiplied, we love seeing transformation in the lives of hurting young women. Thousands have experienced freedom in Christ through Mercy’s residential program, including dozens this year. The young women highlighted below are our last graduates of 2017 whose transformation and restored hope we’ve celebrated with a special graduation. We hope their inspirational stories encourage you!

God has turned my mourning into dancing, and He has given me the authority to call out lies. I’ve learned that God is all about healing. I always thought of Him as wanting me to strike out, but He is far from that. I’ve learned the meaning of the cross and what Jesus dying on the cross has done for me.
Click here to read Lillian’s story.

I have learned that God is faithful and always shows up! He never fails to do what is needed for me to grow in my trust with Him. I learned the Lord hates sin, but He loves the sinner and did everything to save me. He will continue to do everything to save me to this day.
Click here to read Mutsa’s story.

God has truly saved my life. I have learned just how much God loves me, and I have been able to learn to love myself in a way that I have never ever experienced before. God helped me forgive my ex for the things he had done and showed me what real grace and mercy are. I view life in an entirely different way now because of what I have learned and what God has done for me at Mercy.
Click here to read Caitlyn’s story.

Through my Mercy journey, I was able to remove my mask of “happiness” and open up to my counselors. I have been set free of my shame. I have learned that I have a voice and that I am a child of God. I’ve also learned that I don’t have to please everyone.
Click here to read Chelsey’s story.

God has completely changed my life around. He has showed me how to live freely and not have to worry about the days to come. He has planned my life, He knows everything, and will keep me safe through all things. I learned about healthy and unhealthy relationships, how to say no, and how God has forgiven me from my past mistakes.
Click here to read Paige’s story.

I learned my worth and value and realized that they don’t come from your looks or performance. Now I can view my body as a temple of God and view physical intimacy as a gift reserved for marriage. I gained a deeper level of respect for myself and my Creator. I understand that I am loved and accepted and that God has been relentlessly pursuing me this whole time!
Click here to read Nadia’s story.
To read more stories of transformation, visit our Lives Transformed page.