Megan – 2012 Graduate

MeganMy childhood was very difficult. Around the age of 12, drugs were brought into my home, and I lost all guidance and order. The chaos was overwhelming, and I suppressed my emotions to avoid confrontation. When the friction exploded within my family, I started using self-harm as a release.

Just when my life seemed like a broken mess, I started hearing about Mercy. Both a Mercy graduate and my mentor recommended the ministry, so I researched it online and felt the need to apply. When I was accepted to the program, I was untrusting and terrified, but I knew it was my last chance. I had nothing left to lose except my life.

While at Mercy, God completely transformed my life. I developed an intimate relationship with Him where I would talk with Him and sit in His presence. Two very important lessons taught at Mercy were renewing the mind and truth statements. Through renewing the mind, I learned to replace the lies I believed with God’s truth. These truth statements put the wisdom of the Bible into my own words, so the negatives in my life could transform into positives.

After graduating from Mercy, I plan on renewing relationships with my family and getting a job. Soon, I hope to earn my LPN and a degree as a neonatal nurse practitioner. Every day, I will center myself on the truth of God’s Word and allow His healing to transform my heart and my life.