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Megan – 2015 Graduate

MeganI lost my mom when I was six, and my dad remarried shortly after. I had a hard time adjusting to life with my new family and developed a lot of unhealthy habits. During this time I was sexually abused by someone I should have been able to trust, and I began to hate myself for it. After the abuse, I faced a lot of rejection. I became confused about my sexuality and looked for acceptance. I began to self-harm and became addicted to pornography because it gave me a sense of false intimacy. I became suicidal and got involved in a lot of inappropriate relationships, some of which even led to legal action. I felt used and did not think that my feelings or voice mattered. I labeled myself as an atheist. I hated God and blamed Him for all the things that had happened to me.

I found out about Mercy while I was in a hospital near one of the Mercy homes. I was very hesitant to apply, but my parents encouraged me to. During the application process, one of the assigned readings helped me realize that God WAS real. Afterward I was so excited to go to Mercy that it seemed like that was all I talked about. However, it took me a while to trust people and open up when I got there.

A pivotal moment for me at Mercy was when we watched a teaching on the Holy Spirit and how to experience His presence. Following the teaching, I asked God to show me that He knew me, and I tangibly felt Him answer my prayer. God became evident to me in small and large ways while I was at Mercy, and He showed me something new every single day. Processing things in counseling was also very significant for me as I discovered I had been suppressing so many things from my life.

While at Mercy, I have learned SO MUCH. God has set me free from so much bondage. He has shown me how much He loves me and loves to spend time with me. God has shown me how much I matter and how much my obedience matters. He has given me hope, restored my relationship with my parents, and given me healthy relationships with men. He has set me free from burdens and has given me wisdom to bless those around me. God has given me eyes to see my beauty and the beauty of others. God has given me a spirit of hope and not of fear. I don’t think I could ever cover all that God did while I was at Mercy.

After graduation, I plan to go back home and finish high school. I feel called to enroll in a Bible college after that, and I hope to some day work for a ministry like Mercy. I want to help broken people find Christ.

To all the Mercy supporters and staff, thank you, thank you, thank you so much for donating your time, money and talents to Mercy! You change lives even with the small things you give!