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Martha – 2014 Graduate

MarthaMy mom had me when she was 16, and I never knew my dad because he died when I was very young. I started being sexually abused daily by a family member when I was in second grade, and the abuse continued for over four years until I had the courage to tell someone. Unfortunately, I wasn’t believed at first but the police got involved so there was an investigation. Eventually my abuser was arrested and I was put in foster care. The case went to trial when I was 14, and I testified about what had been done to me. Thankfully, my abuser was found guilty and is now serving a prison sentence of 25 to 40 years. My foster family ended up adopting me the following year, but I was really struggling. I was self-harming and running away so I wouldn’t have to deal with my emotions.

In ninth grade my adoptive parents told me about Mercy and I applied because I wanted to be a new person. I got accepted, but it was very hard when I first arrived, because I didn’t trust anyone. I had a hard time talking to my counselors, and I wore a lot of different masks. Eventually, I learned how to take off the masks one by one, and now I feel free to open up to people. God has healed me, and now I am able to trust others. I know that God is always there for me and will never leave me. He is my best friend.

After Mercy, I am going back home to my family. I can’t wait to just hang out with them. I want to be the best sister and daughter I can be. I’m looking forward to getting a job, and once I finish high school, I plan on going into law enforcement.