I was raised in a loving, Christ-centered, and stable home. The church I was raised in was very performance-oriented. This led me to a life driven by the approval I earned from people, and left me striving for perfection. I struggled when I stopped getting that approval and became severely depressed. I began to engage in disordered eating and self-harm behaviors.

I found out about Mercy from my parents who suggested I seek a program for my life-controlling issues. I decided to apply because I wanted freedom from the bondage I was living in. When I first arrived, I felt very dead inside.

My biggest turning point at Mercy came during a counseling session. I confessed to my counselor that I couldn’t trust God with myself or the people in my life. I decided to put my whole self into God’s hands and took what felt like the biggest step of faith.

While at Mercy God gave me mountain-moving faith. He gave me the life that I had previously given up on. God restored to me everything I had lost. Everything that had died inside me was revived with a new, bright, holy light! I’ve learned how to live in the hand of God, and operate according to faith in his Holy Spirit.

After graduating from Mercy my plans are to continue to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in biology and a Master’s degree in secondary education.

I want to tell all the Mercy donors thank you for giving me the opportunity to find a restored life. I now have a deep, intimate relationship with the Lord and a confident hope for my future.