One of the easiest things to let build up in our hearts is negativity. The enemy loves to see us spiral and let one bad thought lead to a thousand more. And when our hearts are full of negative thoughts and beliefs about ourselves, we can’t expect there to be much room for the truth. The truth I’m talking about is God’s Truth, the only Truth. 

God doesn’t want us to let lies and negativity dwell in our hearts. In order to fully accept God’s truth for us, we need to break down lies and beliefs that have stayed in our hearts to make room for God’s truth. Full acceptance will only come when those barriers are fully broken down.  

A helpful way of understanding this is thinking of it like this; you can’t believe that you’re worthless and at the same time believe that you were made in God’s image. Believing that you have no worth directly negates the truth that you were made in God’s image. In order to truly believe that you are made in God’s image, the belief in your heart that you are worthless needs to be gone. 

This is easier said than done, but God doesn’t leave us without the tools to do it. All throughout His Word we see places where He encourages us and shows us who we are in Him. If you need a place to start, click here to check out a list of helpful scriptures that remind us who we are in Christ and what He has done for us. 

Maybe you need to ask the Lord to reveal to you the lies that have been taking up space in your heart. God tells us that He wants to give us the desires of our hearts, so when we come to Him desiring Truth, we can trust that He will give it to us. 

Mercy Multiplied exists to provide opportunities for all to experience God’s unconditional love, forgiveness, and life-transforming power.  We offer multiple programs and resources online and onsite designed to equip people to live free and stay free in Christ. For more information about the services we offer, click here.  

Want more resources? Check out our MercyTalk podcast episode, “Breaking Agreements and Renewing the Mind”.  For daily inspiration, follow us @MercyMultiplied on FacebookInstagram, and X!