Maggie – 2015 Graduate

MaggieTI grew up in an unstable home. My mom was mentally and verbally abusive, and my dad left when I was four. I only saw him two or three times a year until my adult life. My brother had Spina Bifida, and my mom was an alcoholic, so I took on the responsibility of taking care of them both. I became addicted to drugs to help deal with it.

My stepmom told me about Mercy, and I applied because I had run out of other options. I was miserable when I arrived.

A turning point for me came when a guest speaker visited the Mercy home and taught us about the Holy Spirit. I met the Holy Spirit that day, and my life was changed.

Through Mercy, I learned that I have a purpose and that God created me for a reason. I have authority over the enemy. I can control my thoughts and actions with God’s help.

My plans for the future are to be an awesome wife, mother and follower of Christ. I also hope to share the gospel wherever I go.

To everyone who gives to Mercy, thank you for saving my life with your donations. Your support really does change the lives of those who come here.