Before Mercy, I struggled with self-harm, anxiety, depression, sexual abuse, and drug addiction.

I started doing drugs at the age of 12 as a coping mechanism after I shared the news that I was sexually abused. After my abuser was found not guilty, I felt very unloved and unseen. I started drinking and going to parties to numb the pain. I got into relationships with older men and the relationships became very physical, very fast. I felt dirty and unlovable. I felt like the only good thing about me was what my body had to offer. I knew I needed something different when I started becoming scared that I would accidentally overdose in my sleep.

I heard about Mercy 5 years ago when I applied for the first time. I wanted help but I never completed the application process.

At Mercy, a turning point for me was when I went through old social media accounts during counseling and I saw how empty I was, and I realized how unhappy I really was. I never wanted to go back to that life. God has shown me His character and how much He was working even when I thought I was alone and forgotten.

After Mercy, I plan on going back to high school to get my diploma and then go to cosmetology school to become a barber.

To all the donors, thank you for investing so much time and effort into me. Thank you for being obedient to the Lord. I’m now living a life I’ve always dreamed of because of it.