Lydia – 2017 Graduate

I was born into a Christ-centered family but was exposed to perversion and endured pain. I began taking on a lot of false responsibility and shame. This caused depression and a deep desire to take my own life. The depression led me to a two-year struggle with anorexia. To protect what I felt was important, I relentlessly pushed away relationships and love from my family. After an attempted abduction and molestation, I began pursuing a new, progressively more dangerous crowd of friends. This led me to getting involved in drugs, confusion about my sexual orientation, and forming close relationships to people affiliated with street lifestyles. As I poured myself into these relationships, I began being verbally and emotionally abused as well as raped on a consistent basis from the very people that were supposed to have my back and protect me. After an especially serious and brutal rape, I realized that all my issues had me caught in a vicious cycle. I knew if God didn’t step in, I would end up held under the “mercy” of those who would never give me any. In desperation I cried out to God to remember me and rescue me.

I heard about Mercy Multiplied a year before I believed I needed it. One day, I laid at the hospital and decided that maybe there was still hope for me and Mercy was worth a shot.

A progressive and huge turning point for me during my time at Mercy was when Romans 8: 38-39 came to life for me personally. I learned that I wasn’t held prisoner to the pain and mistakes of my past. I understood that no amount of pain, betrayal, fear, shame, nor principalities had the power to keep me from being God’s beloved daughter.

God revealed to me that I am the woman that He loves, His Beloved daughter. Instead of being weighed down in shame, He has lifted me up in nobility and dignity where there was none. In the dark nights, He calls me Liberty and Beauty, even in the ashes and pain. He has restored the parts of me I had stopped believing and dreaming could breathe again and come to life just like He promised in Isaiah 61.

After Mercy, I plan to work full-time and establish new roots, both in a Godly and edifying community. I look forward to starting my own business in the future and employing women away from prostitution and the red-light district. I want to offer true hope and healing.

Mercy donors, with the utmost respect and gratitude, thank you. Thank you for providing me more than just a story. You have made a way for me to live again. I have joy, peace, and unexplainable love that has by faith been given to me in abundance. The fear of being exploited and betrayed for financial gain and not having my needs met was diminished in an environment of agape love. Your giving made a way for me where there was none. Thank you.