2017 Residential Program Graduate Update

“Before Mercy, my life was full of addiction. I had no hope to live for God although I believed in Him. I believed that I had no worth. I was desperate for change, but I didn’t know how to break off the chains that held me back for years.

My time at Mercy was above and beyond everything I expected. I was in a safe place for the first time in my life. What most impacted me at Mercy was the ability to live in a home that showed the tangible love of Christ. In this setting I had the ability to finally allow life’s hurts to come out in order for the Lord to restore me.

Now, I am enjoying raising my children in the truth of the gospel alongside my husband of five years.  Today my husband Alex serves as youth pastor at our local church, and I serve alongside him with such passion to see the next generation saved and changed by Jesus! I love sharing my testimony with young girls because I know if God could do it for me, He can do it for them!”

-Lisa was a graduate from Mercy in 2017