We invite you to consider planning a future gift to Mercy Multiplied,
so you can help ensure that our work will continue to help people experience
freedom in Christ. Watch this brief video for ways that you can help.

A gift in your will
Whether you designate a specific amount or leave a percentage of your estate, your legacy gift will help Mercy Multiplied continue our dedication to transforming lives of generations searching for truth and wholeness.

Non-Cash assets
You can make a significant impact
with your generosity by considering
non-cash assets. These include real estate, business interests, personal property, restricted securities, loan notes or oil, gas, or mineral rights. For more information, please reach out to giving@mercymultiplied.com.

Beneficiary designations
Your life Insurance policies, retirement plans, and annuities can all help Mercy Multiplied provide opportunities and resources for all to experience God’s unconditional love, forgiveness, and life-transforming power.

Qualified charitable distributions (QCD)
If you are 70.5 or older, there’s a new law about charitable giving from your individual retirement account (IRA) that can help you support Mercy Multiplied and other ministries that you love! If you are subject to a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD), an IRA gift can help you meet your RMD while lowering your taxable income. As always, be sure to consult with your tax and financial advisors to ensure that a QCD meets your needs and objectives.

Gifts of stock
You’ll receive the most tax benefit from a stock donation if you own the stock for more than a year, and the value has appreciated during your ownership. The IRS says the charitable deduction will be for full fair market value of your stock on the day of donation. For more information click here.

Donor advised funds
Donor-advised funds (DAF) are a simple, flexible way to make a charitable donation. DAFs are designed to fit within a donor’s comprehensive giving plans, fulfilling the donor’s philanthropic goals, reducing income taxes, and avoiding capital gains or estate taxes, all while maximizing your investment into the lives of those Mercy Multiplied serves. If you are interested in learning more about establishing a DAF, then we encourage you to consult your professional advisor or guidance. Mercy Multiplied’s Federal EIN # is 72-0973419 (Tax ID).