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Lauren – 2014 Graduate

LaurenI was raised in a very hostile environment where there was a lot of alcohol abuse and fighting. I stayed with different family members and barely knew my biological father. My siblings teased me that I was adopted, which made me feel rejected, unwanted and unworthy. At 14, I started drinking and using marijuana. When I was 15, I was involved in a traumatic car accident where I witnessed an infant die in front of me. I had severe traumatic physical injuries that almost took my life, but miraculously, I didn’t die. That was the first time I experienced the high of pain medication. I was also on strong anxiety medication to numb the PTSD I was experiencing. I would have vivid dreams of the car accident and wake up in a panic attack. Shortly after this, several people in my life died. I started abusing my anxiety medicine, going days without remembering things. I was also involved in a very unhealthy, chaotic relationship and found myself abusing cocaine, ecstasy, acid, and methamphetamines. Eventually, I found myself a single mom, addicted to drugs and suffering from severe depression. I finally realized that I needed to get help.

I heard about Mercy at a Joyce Meyer conference. Nancy Alcorn spoke and a graduate shared her testimony. That was the point I knew I had to get help… before my boys lost their mom.

When I learned how to hear God’s voice, my entire view on God shifted. At Mercy, I learned what stability and consistency was. The staff loved on me every single day. I was taught who I am in Christ, and doctors’ labels no longer define me. God has broken down my walls. He has shown me how important I am to Him, and that no matter what I do or have done, I can never make Him love me any more or any less.

After I leave Mercy, I plan on being the mom God has called me to be to my boys. I want to eventually finish school and pursue a career as a counselor.

I am SO THANKFUL for your support that literally saved my life. I will be forever grateful for your compassionate heart towards women like myself. You have impacted my life and given my boys the chance to have an amazing mother.