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Krystyn – 2012 Graduate

KrystynI grew up in a dysfunctional family and my father took his own life after my first birthday. I was labeled ADHD in elementary school and was constantly teased. I began to eat compulsively to deal with the pain. When I was six, I was exposed to pornography which opened the door to so much confusion. Eventually, my mom married the man who I now consider my father. He introduced me to God and opened my eyes to His truth; however, I was afraid to surrender everything to God. To rebel, I ran away from my problems and became promiscuous. I looked for love in unhealthy relationships and eventually attempted suicide to escape the darkness. I left home and lived in homeless shelters.

In 2011, I moved back home and my mom suggested Mercy. She had referred me to the program in the past, and this time, I decided to apply. I was hopeless and had absolutely no future. I knew I was heading towards either suicide or complete depravity and I felt like Mercy was my last option. I was a scared girl who felt broken and worthless.

While at Mercy, God opened my eyes to the enemy’s lies in my life, and He forgave me for my past. Today, I am a confident and mature woman of God. He has become my Helper and my Strength. I no longer feel shame, but I see the hope in my future. I look in the mirror, and I see that I’m beautiful, planned, precious, wonderfully made, and pure. I’m the woman God created me to be. I have lost 52 pounds, and I’ve learned that no amount of food will ever fill a void in my life. God has restored me and my relationships. Every day, He shows me how to love those in my life. After graduation, I plan to attend Bible college.

I never thought that Mercy could restore my hope, but here I am, pressing on towards what’s ahead and NEVER looking back to what is behind. Thank you, Mercy, for guiding me to God’s transforming love!