2017 Graduate Update

“I grew up in a violent and poor community. To numb the overwhelming pain from my dysfunctional past, I turned to self-harm, eating disorder tendencies, obsessive-compulsive behaviors, and a perfectionist attitude. When I arrived at Mercy, I had a very broken and hardened heart. I believed no one was trustworthy and that I was unlovable. The staff helped me acknowledge my traumatic past and find healing. Through grace, God loved even the ugliest parts of me and my story and healed me of all the hurt caused by untrustworthy people and abuse. After graduating from Mercy, God gave me the opportunity to minister and love others in the inner-city. He has redeemed the violence that I grew up in, in a way that multiplies His love to so many! God is using my story to change other people’s stories!”

-Krystle was a graduate from Mercy in 2014