Kristen – 2010 Graduate
I grew up in a Christian home, but I felt like I would only be loved by God and others if I was perfect. I became a people-pleaser and feared rejection, so I attempted to be perfect in all I did, especially in sports. In the 9th grade, I moved to a big city where there was more competition. I compared my body to other girls and was determined to be the best runner with the best body. I eventually developed an eating disorder and lost about 40 pounds, which left me weak and dangerously underweight. I was hospitalized for a low heart rate, but continued to exercise daily, despite the fact that I was dying. I wanted to be free from my eating disorder, but I didn’t have the money to get treatment. I knew about Mercy and that it was a Christian program. I saw how God had freed so many other girls there and I had heard about His power, but never experienced it, so I decided to apply.
While at Mercy, I learned how much God loves me. I know He gives me grace when I mess up in my pursuit to be like Him. God taught me that I don’t have to be perfect to get His attention; He is near to me if I just call to Him. I know now that there is so much more God has planned for me. Life is so much more than being thin and exercising.
After graduation, I went to college and am now studying psychology and have a job at Lending Point, as I want to see others be set free like me. I am so grateful to Mercy for pouring so much love into me. I am free in Christ because of the truth the counselors and staff spoke over me. I now know and have experienced God’s power for myself. Thank you, Mercy, for helping me see the Truth, so this captive could be set free! I am a life transformed!!