Kristal – 2017 Graduate

Kristal | 2017 Mercy GradMy mom passed away when I was eight years old. The closest family member I had left was angry and became abusive. When I was nine, I was adopted. I began to rapidly go downhill. I started to self-harm and became promiscuous with boys. I would send boys pictures of myself.

I learned about Mercy Multiplied from my friend’s mom. Her oldest daughter went to a Mercy home and graduated from the program. I knew I needed the help of Mercy.

A turning point in my Mercy journey was when I read a book about true beauty. I learned that the beauty is truly there. Also, that the love of my Holy Father and my parents is all I need, not a boy’s love.

While at Mercy, I have learned that I don’t need guys for attention. I learned that God loves me no matter how many mistakes I make or how far I run. My dad and mom love me and care so much about me. I do not want anything to do with my past. If my past comes calling, I won’t answer it. I love my family, and I can be myself. I am a daughter of two loving parents and a Holy King.

After Mercy, I plan to finish high school and go to college, where I plan to major in business. After college, I plan to help kids by using equine therapy and teach kids that the love of God will get them through any hard time. I plan to go home and fix broken relationships. I plan to spend as much time as I can with my parents.

Thank you so much for donating to Mercy. It has changed my life, and I know it will change a lot of other lives. Thank you for letting my second chance at life happen.