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Kelsay – 2011 Graduate

KelsayFor most of my life I have battled a severe struggle with anorexia and bulimia. I thought that my worth and value came from how much I weighed, what size I was and the grades I made. I felt like I would be trapped in this lifestyle forever. I was also diagnosed with major depression and even attempted to take my own life. After several stays in the hospital, I knew I needed help, but I couldn’t afford treatment at other facilities. I heard about Mercy at a BarlowGirl concert and decided to apply.

While at Mercy, God has totally transformed my life. He has taken me by the hand and led me into freedom. God has completely delivered me from the deadly cycle of eating disorders and has shown me that I have worth and value in Him. I have also been able to get off all of the depression medication and learned to deal with my emotions. I want everyone to know that they do not have to settle for just coping with their issues for the rest of their lives. There is full deliverance and freedom available for anyone who is willing to choose life.

After graduation, I look forward to living a free and healthy life. I plan to finish school and use the gifts and talents that God has given me for music and writing. I am so excited to live out the future that God has for me.