Kaylee – 2015 Graduate

Kaylee-1I was sexually abused until the age of five by various men, including my birth father. When I was six, my siblings and I were adopted. My older sister’s pain and struggles caused a lot of problems in our home, and I started to act out for attention. I tried to find love in other places, such as porn, guys and anyone who would pay me attention. I almost ran away with my last boyfriend, but instead he and my parents sat me down and had an intervention.

I was familiar with Mercy because my sister is a 2014 graduate. When presented with the idea to apply to Mercy, I defiantly refused because I had convinced myself I was “okay” and didn’t need help. I slowly began to realize I did need help and began the application. I came into the program with a broken heart from a life of lies, anger, unforgiveness and hatred towards others.

Breakthrough came through all the little things that happened while I was at Mercy. One really important thing that helped me find freedom was choosing to forgive those that have hurt me. I know that I don’t have to reconcile with those people, but I have to give it to God and trust Him with it.

While at Mercy I learned to renew my mind to the lies that I believed about myself. I began to replace the lies with the truth about who God says that I am. I am a daughter of the King, a masterpiece! I am loved. I am chosen. I now know I have an awesome plan for my life. God is going to use me to change the world one heart at a time, and He is never going to leave me.

After Mercy I am going back home and plan to get heavily involved in my new church. I will be working to pay off my school loans so I can pursue missions, primarily in Ethiopia. My long-term goal would be to run an orphanage in Ethiopia so I can show the children who God says they are and that He has an awesome plan for their lives.

Thank you so much for supporting Mercy Multiplied. Your support changes the world, one heart at a time. Each girl has their own story, and without your donation we would never be able to live up to who God has created us to be. Every dollar you give has a unique purpose that wouldn’t be fulfilled without your loving support!