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Kayla – 2015 Graduate

Kayla 4.15.15I was born to two loving parents, yet their divorce left me feeling abandoned and unloved. As I got older I tried to seek my value and worth from anything the world had to offer. I got involved in smoking marijuana, drinking, and engaging in promiscuity. I didn’t recognize true love, but I knew deep down what I was doing wouldn’t truly bring me satisfaction. During my junior year of college, I was led to the Lord by a man I ended up marrying shortly after. When I gave my life to the Lord, I found freedom from my addiction to marijuana and pornography. During this time I felt led to attend a particular Bible college instead of finishing my bachelor’s degree. During my two years at Bible college, I received a solid foundation in God’s Word. Although I was getting fed the Word three hours a day, five days a week, something still wasn’t clicking. I was new to this whole “Christian” lifestyle and felt like I had to act perfect, despite knowing I was a complete mess. When I found marriage more difficult than I anticipated, I fell back into old patterns of coping instead of turning to God. I tried to hide my issues for a long time, but the Lord brought them to light. This led me to a point of desperation.

I found out about Mercy from the dean of my Bible college and his wife. They were mentoring me and suggested I look into a residential program. I researched Mercy, prayed about it, and felt led to apply. I no longer could deny the fact that I needed real help. I didn’t want to continue to live life struggling in my own strength. I gave up my pride and surrendered and became excited to come to Mercy! Hearing about other women’s lives being transformed gave me hope, but I wondered if my life was beyond repair.

Learning to renew my mind with God’s truth was a huge turning point for me at Mercy. I established my true identity in Christ! I learned the importance of speaking God’s Word over my life daily and replacing the lies of the enemy with His truth. From that new revelation, my life bore Godly fruit!

The Lord has done so much for me since I entered Mercy. I finally accepted the fact that God had a plan for me. I began to believe that Jeremiah 29:11 was true, not just for everyone else, but for me personally! God wants to use me in a mighty way, and nothing I have done will mess up His plans for me, not even a failed marriage. So many aspects of the program and its structure have blessed me and helped me find freedom. God has given me my life back! I have so much hope for my future now.

After graduating from Mercy, I plan to finish my bachelor’s degree in marketing and management. I am believing for a job that will allow me to stay plugged into my church community. I want to be used by God any way that pleases and glorifies Him. Someday I desire to become a wife and a mother. I want to become a monthly partner and pay the freedom I’ve found forward for future Mercy residents. I know that I have gained hope for my future, and I want to be able to help others find that same hope. I am excited to share my testimony and to walk out all that God has called me to.

I am so thankful for all the donors who faithfully give to Mercy without truly knowing or putting a face to what they’re sowing into. The fact that Mercy is a free program allowed me to focus fully on my healing. Not having to worry about my expenses gave me peace of mind. Living at Mercy I have felt super blessed and have seen God’s heart towards me!