Before I came to Mercy, I was lost. Abandonment, betrayal and unforgiveness controlled my life, and I struggled to cope with the pain. I fell into the party scene and lived a superficial lifestyle. I drank, smoked and dismissed everything I had learned growing up in church. I also had a lot of anxiety and would often self-harm. I became so suicidal that I would fantasize about not waking up so I would no longer have to deal with the pain. At 22, I found myself walking away from a broken engagement with a shattered heart. I was jobless, homeless, and to my surprise, pregnant. A family friend told me about Mercy and I decided to apply.
While at Mercy, God completely broke down my walls and built me back up. I have become so much stronger in my faith, and I can now say that I am confident in who I am. Rather than wishing I would not wake up in the morning, I now face each day with joy and assurance that God is on my side. He taught me to accept my past as just that, the past, and I don’t have to let it dictate my future anymore. I learned how to set healthy boundaries in relationships and that motherhood is sacrifice. Mercy prepared my heart to battle the hardships I would face as a single mother.
Since graduating from Mercy, I got my associate’s degree, started a career and met a wonderful man of God. It has been a joyous road watching my baby boy grow up. He just turned three. I am re-enrolling in college and plan to become an RN. My dream is to move into the master’s program for anesthesiology. I LOVE what I do, and God has given me a heart to care for people. I am so thankful for Mercy, Nancy, the staff and all my Mercy sisters who have walked this journey with me.