My parents were babies having babies, so I was raised by my grandparents. My dad is a controlling alcoholic. I was always put in the middle of adult arguments and had to take care of my brother and myself. I grew up in church, but never accepted it. I always felt it was forced on me and I wanted no part in the church.
My grandmother told me about Mercy. I decided to apply because I was tired of life. My drug use completely consumed my life. I couldn’t do things my way anymore and I figured if there was a God then His way was the only way; I wanted to try God’s way. Any way had to be better than my way at that point in my life. When I arrived, I was all over the place, skeptical, and a little paranoid of everyone and everything.
When I came back from Christmas break I was ready to give it all to Jesus and give this program everything I had. During my time at Mercy, God healed me and showed me that he has a plan for me that I never expected. I am going to YWAM and I am going to do mission work! I never saw that coming. God allowed me to feel his love and presence. I know what it feels like to rest in God. The heavy peace that comes from God; I know that feeling! I love it. I have God and Jesus and I want more.
My plans are to tell people of every nation, color, shape and size what Jesus did for me. I plan on traveling and changing the world, and maybe write a book or two.
Thank you, donors, for pouring into my life. We have never met and may never meet, but that’s the beauty of this. I was able to experience Gods love through you and you were a part of my healing process. Now I can be a blessing to others and an example to others. Thank you for everything.