Jenn – 2011 Graduate

JenI grew up distant from God, without any solid foundation in the Lord. As a little girl, I attended church, but it was an obligation that never brought any real meaning to my life. I grew up feeling rejected, and the pursuit of perfection controlled my life. I felt as though the bar was constantly being raised, and I was a total failure. Drugs, eating disorders, self-harm, sex, abuse, lies, depression, suicide attempts and an unplanned pregnancy were all the result of my attempts to fill the hole in my life that only God could fill. I went to the leading treatment facilities and all of them failed to offer lasting change. Hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent on what turned out to be a temporary bandage. I was convinced that God had given up on me. Death seemed imminent. But then God introduced me to Mercy through a family friend, and I decided to apply.

Mercy has been the “suddenly” that saved my life. When I walked through the doors, I felt an immediate sense of hope. Slowly, I began to believe that the Lord’s promises actually applied to me. God’s Word has become my fuel and is the source from which I daily renew my mind. I have confidence in myself through Christ, and now I am capable of being the mom God has called me to be. I am free; it is finished!

After graduating from Mercy, I am moving back to Florida. I will work in medical sales and wholeheartedly serve the Lord. In God’s timing, I hope to marry a wonderful man of God.