Jamie – 2013 Graduate

JamieMy life growing up was chaotic. I was rebellious and made poor choices. Even though I suffered the consequences, I still lived with a lot of denial and guilt. I turned to food, drugs, alcohol and men to try to satisfy a need inside myself, only to find shame, dissatisfaction, condemnation and more hunger. I was caught in a cycle I couldn’t get out of, so I fed into it more. I was abusing myself and letting others abuse me because I thought I deserved punishment for my past. I wasn’t acting responsible as a mother, and convinced myself my daughter was better off without me, all the while heaping more shame onto myself. I was traumatized by my poor choices, but couldn’t find relief no matter where I looked.

A good family friend got me connected with Mercy. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it at first, but I knew it was my last chance to become a good mother and healthy person. Even though I was scared, I was determined and ready to get to work on my issues.

At Mercy, I have learned that God has forgiven me and made me a new being with a new heart. I now have desires for good and not destruction. He’s brought peace into places I had once self-medicated or ignored. He’s restored mothering instincts in me, and given me fresh hope for what life will bring—the good and even the not-so-good.

After graduation, I will be reunited with my daughter. I am excited to give her all my love and attention, while building structure into our life again. I want to restore what was lost these last few years. I want to help prepare her for high school, and ultimately, college.

To Nancy, Mercy, and all the donors…thank you, thank you, thank you!! I am so blessed you took a chance on me. My daughter and my parents are also very grateful, because if I hadn’t been accepted, I would still be very sick, irresponsible, and ignorant of the Lord. He gives grace and mercy to all who recognize their need for a savior. Coming to Mercy gave me the security I needed to not worry about my past failures, or the pressures of the world while getting the help I needed. I never imagined God could turn my life around so quickly or thoroughly.