Hope – 2017 Graduate

Hope | Mercy MultipliedI grew up in a very loving, nurturing home. I was raised in church, but ever since I can remember, we were uprooted and in transition, because we moved a lot. I had a hard time trusting people and had a lot of fear. I entered into a lifestyle of unhealthy relationships and self-sufficiency. I endured sexual abuse  and identified closely with control and self-hate. This led to a five-year cycle of eating disorder behaviors, self-harm, and bipolar depression. I was hospitalized numerous times.There wasn’t a day that passed where I had any hope or purpose in living.

After a self-harm incident, my home counselor and I began a search for a residential program.

I learned about Mercy Multiplied from my mother’s best friend. She had attended conferences and workshops with Mercy Multiplied. I also had a classmate in high school who is a Mercy graduate.

A major turning point for me during my Mercy journey was establishing friendships and trusting in relationships. Also, I learned to first be honest and transparent with God, so I can be honest with myself in my wants and needs. This led to vulnerability with others, and I am so grateful for everything in which God has taught me in this season.

God has restored my hope and dignity. I genuinely like who He has created me to be, and I can walk with my head held high. He has given me joy and mental refreshment. I stand in wonder at His majesty and all of creation which attests to His power. He has shown me what it means to have the faith of a child, and I have seen the vitality in having community.

After Mercy, I will return home and apply for nursing school. I am excited to find community and have accountability. I will seek employment as a pharmacy technician, and my dream is to pursue medical missions.

Mercy donors, thank you for allowing me to receive healing and walk in freedom and love without fear of financial burdens. I am forever grateful.