Before coming to Mercy my life involved verbal, physical and sexual abuse. Growing up, I had absent parents and I was bullied at school. I found out about Mercy from my mom. I decided to apply because I was miserable. I wanted my life to be different than it was and I knew the only way it would be different would be a life with Jesus. I was broken when I walked in the doors of Mercy. I was so empty of my own dreams and expectations. I was desperate to live a new life. My first turning point was when we attended the Design for Life Conference. It was then that I realized how much of my life Jesus actually wanted – ALL OF IT! I was shocked.

I knew that I was only going to change by surrendering my life to my Savior and that’s exactly what ended up happening. I learned how to take my thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ, and how to speak scriptural truth over my life circumstances and hurts from the past. My life changed when I was able to walk into my darkness with Jesus as my lamp.

God has completely redeemed everything that happened early in my life. Now, I BELIEVE that Jesus loves me, that I’m beautiful and that the plans He has had for me are GOOD. After Mercy, I’ll be working full time and going to school for cosmetology.

To the donors, you guys completely changed my life. One day I want to be able to support Mercy in all the ways you guys do like coming to fundraisers, giving Christmas presents, and blessing the ministry financially.