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Holly – 2014 Graduate

Holly2014At a young age, I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid condition, which caused me to gain weight easily. I was made fun of and picked on in school, which led me into several fights with other kids. My parents ended up divorcing when I was 12, and my relationship with my dad changed. I was depressed and put on anti-depressants, but that made it worse. Later, I ended up at the hospital under suicidal watch. I then turned to food for comfort and control and would binge throughout the day and night. I would also purge whenever I ate too much. I was addicted to pornography and online chat rooms. I ended up running away at the age of 17 with a couple of guys I had just met. Later, we were all in a traumatic car accident, and they left me abandoned in a hospital with no food or money. I finally got to the point that I called out to God for help, and the next day my step dad gave me a packet about Mercy.

I decided to apply because I had no more hope for myself, and I felt like this program could help me. When I arrived at Mercy, I was very nervous, scared, homesick, and so caged in my own lies that I was afraid to speak or act around anyone.

While at Mercy, I realized how important I am to God and how much love He has for me. I was able to break generational patterns and curses and start over with God. I was able to forgive myself and others as Christ has forgiven me, and I learned that my past doesn’t dictate the person I am today.

Through the power of God’s Word, I now realize my self-worth and beauty in Him. I feel a lot freer when I surrender to God and let Him be in control of my life rather than doing it by myself. I realized that what Satan had stolen from me in my past, God will totally give back to me in my future.

When I return home, I hope to serve at a local church and share my testimony with others who might be going through something very similar. I plan on getting my GED and furthering my education and relationship with God. I would like to one day get married and have a family.

I don’t think there will ever be enough words or letters to express my appreciation to all the donors and staff who made my stay at Mercy possible. Mercy saved my life and has given me hope and a brighter future. I am no longer scared to live, but now I am FREE and excited to see what my future will be like with God leading the way.