Before I came to Mercy, my life was full of confusion, neglect, abuse, heartbreak, and trauma. It followed me my whole life, and I didn’t know how to get away from it. I cried out to God everyday begging Him to somehow save me or just let me die. At 18, after a series of heartbreaking experiences, I turned my back on Him and compromised all my standards. I started becoming whoever and whatever others wanted me to be just so they would stay. I was in a toxic relationship doing drugs and drinking so I could somehow convince my partner to stay with me.

A family member knew a Mercy graduate and recommended the program to me. When I finally decided I had to try one last time or I wouldn’t make it, I applied.

When I arrived at Mercy, I was hollow and dead on the inside. I started having withdraw symptoms, anxiety attacks, and enraged outbursts. But as I continued to spend time at Mercy, I began to learn that God is my father and that He is capable of taking away my pain. He is a true father who loves me, adores me, values me and would never harm me or let me down.

A turning point for me was learning how to renew my mind. The more and more I continued to look at all the scriptures that proved the beliefs I had about myself were wrong, I began to drive out the lies that I was destine for failure.

After graduating from Mercy, I am going on a mission trip and then going to school. I want to preach God’s word to everyone I can and bring His love to all of His children who are incarcerated, in foster homes, violent gangs, and in third-world countries.

To all the Mercy donors, thank you for making it possible for me to have life. You are the ones who made this possible. Without your giving I would not be here. Thank you!