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Hallie – 2014 Graduate

HallieI grew up in an extremely dysfunctional family. My parents divorced when I was young, and my home life was unstable for most of my childhood. Beginning at age seven, I was sexually, physically and verbally abused by multiple people I should have been able to trust. I started to become very angry and would get in physical fights often. I was 12 when I was first admitted to a psychiatric ward, and at 14 I was put in a residential children’s center where I was told I would always be the way I was. I was in a severe depression and tried to end my life several times. I also developed an eating disorder. I began to self-harm to release the pain I was feeling, and I became very good at masking my emotions. Something in me wanted to know more about God, and I began attending a friend’s small group and church. One day my friend and another mentor pulled me aside to tell me they were very concerned about me. They told me I needed to get help.

I found out about Mercy online. I sent my friend the website link to check it out because I was new at the whole Christian thing and didn’t want to go somewhere that said they were faith-based, but really weren’t. My friend thought it looked awesome, so I applied!

While at Mercy, one turning point for me came after I had been here only a week. I was able to see who God really was after one of our speakers ministered to us. I decided I wanted to be the woman God created me to be. I also had a turning point when I learned about the cycles of destruction. God showed me what I still needed to work on, and I was able to get a different perspective on freedom.

Through Mercy, God has very much shown me His love and grace. He has shown me that I’m worth so much more than I could ever imagine. I know now that I am worthy of love and affection. I am so valuable to God that He goes with me wherever I go.

After graduation, I plan on becoming involved in church. I plan on learning to drive and saving up for my first car using the financial skills I learned at Mercy. In the future, I would like to get married and become a mom.

Thank you SO much, Mercy donors, for all you’ve done for me to receive freedom. I am extremely grateful that I was able to come to Mercy and allow God to heal me to become the young woman He created me to be. My heart is forever grateful.