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Halie – 2014 Graduate

HalieI moved in with a boyfriend when I was 20-years-old, and he introduced me to crack-cocaine. Crack brought me to places I never thought I would go to and made me do things I never thought I would do in order to get more. It became my master, and had ultimate control over my life. By the time I was 21, I had been hospitalized twice for drug overdoses, had been to several treatment facilities, lost countless jobs, was convicted of my first DUI, and went to jail for the first time. Throughout my twenties, I went from one bad relationship to the next—usually with addicts and alcoholics who were broken people just like me. All of these relationships failed and ended in devastation. At 23, I become pregnant, but the father had no intentions of being involved, so I made the decision to have an abortion. This deeply added to the shame I already carried. I drank and drugged my way through the pain of that decision. I eventually became highly addicted to prescription pain medication as well and had lost all hope for a sober life. My mom would often tell me there was no light left in my eyes. I couldn’t even cry anymore…I was a walking dead person. I reached a state of pitiful and incomprehensible demoralization. I quit my job and spent three months withdrawing from drugs at my mother’s house.

Before coming to Mercy I was in pit—it was deep and it was dark! While I was withdrawing from drugs, we found Mercy online. God was able to open the door quickly for me, and I arrived here the next month. I knew I needed help, but I also needed to find a place I could afford. Mercy Ministries was exactly what I was hoping for!

At Mercy, the walls of shame and guilt began to crumble away slowly. Shame finds a foothold in the fault line between who you ought to be and who you are. I realize now that the blood of Jesus was shed not just for my sins, but also to bear my shame. I am so grateful that I serve a merciful and forgiving God. He has forgiven me, and I have made the decision to forgive myself, especially for the abortion. The Word of God is sharper than any two-edge sword and it has become alive to me because it has the power to heal hearts.

After I graduate from Mercy, I would like to finish my bachelor’s degree in accounting and eventually open up my own tax office. God has given me a talent and desire for the business world, but also a heart for ministry. In my personal life, I want to bring hope and healing to addicts and alcoholics, allowing God to use me to set other captives free from the chains of addiction! I am excited to live the rest of my life sober, Spirit-led, and free!