Haleigh – 2015 Graduate

HaleighDI grew up in a loving but chaotic home. My parents divorced when I was really young. Later I found out my dad wasn’t my biological father. When I was 12 years old, I was diagnosed with Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome in my leg, which caused me to be hospitalized a lot and miss a ton of school. This depressed me because I felt all alone and like I was missing out on a lot. When I was 16, I was hospitalized again and a few weeks later found out my mom had breast cancer. My doctor recommended I be homebound from school for a few months. I felt like I was a failure in life. After this, I decided to drop out of high school, get my GED, and go to college a year early. The summer before going away to school I was date raped at a party. I hid this from everyone because I was so ashamed. After this I became drastically involved in the partying scene to try to numb my pain. I started having sex because I desperately craved attention and love from anyone I thought could give it to me. After a year of college and partying, I decided to move back home and get away from the party scene, but the lifestyle followed me. I had become addicted to drugs and alcohol, thinking it could numb all of my pain. I then met a guy who I thought really cared about me. Within two months, I found out I was pregnant. He denied the baby was his and left me. A few months later I lost my baby girl. This devastated me. I thought I had found a reason for living, but that was taken away. I blamed God and began to feel hatred toward Him. A few weeks after losing my baby, I became so depressed that I stopped going to my classes and started drinking more and more. I also started abusing one of my prescription medications. At one point, I took a bunch of pills and blacked out. I just wanted to die.

I found out about Mercy through my brother who was in a discipleship program in Tennessee. I did some research on Mercy and decided to apply. I wanted the same relationship with God that my brother had, and I wanted to truly be happy again. I wanted to live. When I got to Mercy, I was on an emotional roller coaster. I was so angry with God that I didn’t know how I was going to make it through.

A huge turning point for me was when I realized how much God really knows me and how much He really cares about me. God has completely transformed me during my time at Mercy. I learned about who God says I am and how I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I learned that the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy, but that is not God’s plan for my life.

After Mercy, I plan on going back home and continuing to restore relationships with my family. I plan on going to a Bible college and majoring in non-profit women’s ministry. In the distant future I would love to own a horse farm where kids with special needs can come for equine therapy and restore their hopes and dreams. I’m so excited to share with people what God has done and will continue to do in my life. I know He has great plans for my future!

There are not enough words to explain how grateful I am to and for Mercy. Without Mercy, I would not be alive today to experience God’s glory and grace. I am eternally thankful.