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Gabrielle – 2014 Graduate

GabrielleGrowing up, my life lacked consistency and I looked for attention in unhealthy places. At age six, I was sexually abused by someone close to me. A few years later, I was exposed to pornography. I endured emotional and physical abuse throughout my childhood. I eventually began putting myself in harm’s way to the point that I almost got caught up in sex trafficking.

I found out about Mercy through my mother. I had applied once before but pulled back and quit the process. After continuing a cycle of mistakes and poor lifestyle choices, I decided to apply to Mercy a second time. I saw the patterns of destruction in my life and knew that God was the only way to freedom. A few months later, I was accepted. Believing God, I walked through the doors of Mercy.

My first turn-around moment at Mercy came when I opened up about the abuse that happened in my childhood. I told my counselor things that I had never told anyone. Another big step for me was learning how to set boundaries that are necessary in certain relationships.

God has revealed so many things to me during my stay at Mercy. He has shown me that I am His beloved daughter and that nothing I could ever do would change His love for me. He sees me not as a liar or cheater, but as a daughter of the King. I now know that no matter how lonely I am, He is right there with me. The main thing I have learned is that I am beautiful, and God loves me just the way I am.

After Mercy, I plan on finishing high school. I also have the desire to go to college and study screen acting and screen writing. Once I graduate, I hope to teach at an arts school and maybe even act. Eventually, I would like to settle down and start a family of my own.

To Mercy’s donors, thank you very much for your generous gifts. Through you, my life has forever been transformed. Mercy is truly the best thing that has ever happened to me. Not only have you affected me, but through your giving, many girls’ lives are being transformed. Thank you so much, and may the Lord bless you!