I grew up in a very dysfunctional and chaotic home. At age six I began to be sexually abused by a family member. By age 10 the abuse escalated to sex trafficking. During this part of my life, I began to believe that my purpose and value was only found in sex and serving men. When I was 13 everything ended, and I felt like I was no longer valuable or worthy of love. I was heartbroken and began to act out. I became very promiscuous and started drinking and skipping school. I dropped out of school when I was 15, convinced the only future that I could possibly have would be as a stripper or prostitute. After dropping out, things really got out of control. I started cutting more and abusing prescription drugs. I was hopeless and full of shame and guilt from my childhood. At 18, I moved out and got my own place.
My mom told me about Mercy one day over the phone, and I applied right away! I was certain that Mercy was my last shot at life. I was hard, broken, and anxious, yet yearning for love. When I arrived at Mercy, I was terrified about letting people see my heart and my life, let alone letting God see me! I was so full of fear, shame, and guilt. However, the only thing that I was met with was a tangible representation of God’s unwavering love!
Throughout my time at Mercy, my perspective, mind, and heart began to shift, allowing me to open up and enter into healing! God showered me with love and acceptance. He was so patient and loving with me. For the first time I saw what true, godly women looked like.
During my Mercy journey, I truly allowed God in for the first time. I fell head over heels in love with the Lord and Holy Spirit, and Jesus became my best friend! The Mercy staff relentlessly poured time, love, and resources into my life. I began to gain the ability to step into the healing process. I don’t know exactly when it happen, but somewhere along the lines, I began to hope again, and that’s something that I hadn’t been able to do in so many years! The love of God was constantly shown to me, and I was given a new hope for a future full of grace, joy, and love!
A week after graduating from Mercy, I began an internship at Joyce Meyer Ministries Dream Center. While interning, I primarily worked with the youth ages 11-18. I was able to be to them what I always needed and wished I had when I was their age. It was absolutely incredible to be able to see them grow as people, as well as in their personal relationships with God! It was an amazing opportunity to grow and learn in more ways than I could count! After interning for two years, I moved to another state to attend ministry school. Since starting school I have been blessed to learn and grow in God in ways that I never knew were possible. This chapter of my life is new, but I am enjoying it so much! God has been so faithful to me. He has never left my side! He has done some amazing healing in my family and additional healing in me as well!
I have had so many victories since graduating from Mercy that I never thought possible. I got my license! I got my GED! I got a car! I have genuine, meaningful and lasting relationships! God has given me amazing spiritual parents, hope, joy, peace, faith…and the list could go on forever.
I’m not sure if I could ever truly find the words to articulate how thankful I am to all the Mercy supporters, but I will give it a try: If it were not for people like you, Mercy wouldn’t be making the global impact that it is. Your obedience is literally saving lives. I know this to be true because I am one of them! Thank you for your obedience and your commitment to God! Your prayers and your financial support are extremely appreciated! I pray that God blesses you in ways that you could never hope, think, or imagine!