My life before coming to Mercy felt like hell on earth. I grew up in a loving Christian home, and I enjoyed a personal, intimate relationship with Christ for most of my teenage years. As I grew older and began to stray from my faith, I found myself in a toxic romantic relationship which produced a miscarriage. Shortly afterwards, I was assaulted by an acquaintance. I felt worthless. I began to use my prescription medication to numb the pain. I dropped out of college and got into a physically and emotionally abusive relationship. I felt trapped in an endless cycle of drug addiction and abusive relationships.

My family had watched me spiral out of control for some time, so my mom was excited when she found out about Mercy in 2016. She knew that only God could give me the healing I needed. She prayed faithfully for God to lead me to Mercy. In 2019, I finally reached a place where I was truly out of answers and desperate to live a different life. I came to Mercy in January 2019 feeling truly hopeless and worthless.

From the very beginning of my stay at Mercy, I experienced God fighting on my behalf in several situations. I realized if He was fighting so hard for me, then maybe I did have worth and value. Learning that sin no longer separated me from God and that all my sins- past, present, and future- were already forgiven changed everything for me. The mistakes I had made were no surprise to God, and He wasn’t angry with me. I began to grasp the concept of God’s grace and how He generously lavishes grace upon His children. I began to know His true character and fall in love with Him. This allowed me to draw close and experience His love again. I learned what God had to say about me and my true identity in Christ. This provided the perspective shift I needed to let go of past wounds.

After Mercy, I am going back to college and on track to graduate in 2020. Afterwards, I want to obtain my master’s degree in counseling so I can join an organization that helps reach out to women in sex trafficking. I also want to educate the public and lawmakers on the devastation of sex trafficking to obtain more funds and resources for organizations trying to help these women.

Going to Mercy was the best decision I ever made. Thank you to every donor for being the hands and feet of Jesus and financially supporting an organization that changes hundreds of women every year. Thank you for being a part of restoring my relationship in Christ!